Well, it's good to finally be back with a few minutes to write after a grueling semester of zero cash and too many classes. I'm glad to say I've survived and now have only 3-4 semesters left until I (hopefully) graduate and then who knows how long to study before the bar (assuming I'm allowed to take it anywhere). I thought I'd take this opportunity to mention a couple of the issues that have had my attention of late and which I hope to discuss in upcoming blogposts this summer before the school year attacks me again:
1) The ongoing divergence between US claims of value and reality;
2) The negative impact of religious extremism in modern society;
3) Deterioration and Improvement in race relations in the post-Obama era;
4) The strengthening security apparatus, both foreign and domestic;
5) A topic close to my heart: the importance of emotional and mental health;
6) The internationalization of sport
7) The expansion of austerity policy application in the developed economies.
These are just a few of the topics that have been floating around in my brain, when I wasn't freaking out over exams, jogging to control stress and boost fitness, and job-hunting. If you have any recommendations for topics to discuss in future posts, please feel free to comment here. Looking forward to communicating with everyone. Thanks!