Monday, September 2, 2019

The despoiling of the natural environment continues apace. Fires burning unchecked in the Amazon (across multiple countries, so Bolsonaro isn't alone in the blame here), unswimmable beaches (fecal matter, blue/green algae, red tide, sewage/septic/agricultural runoff, and yet demands for more land development are intensifying. Why can't the public sector be used as the people's tool to prevent these threats to human health? Because private interests have commandeered the governmental and regulatory apparatuses that are "supposed" to control them. The problem? Too much, not too little, of the market.

Overdevelopment & overpaving lead to excessive amounts of vehicles on roads and demands for even more roads, leading to more of THIS

The runoff from Lake Okeechobee into the Indian River and the Caloosahatchee Rivers leads to more of THIS and THIS:

When will it end?

The best statement I've heard thus far about this issue is a quote in this weekend's Financial Times (31 August/1 September 2019; "Mother Earth defender pressed on Amazon fires" by Andres Schipani) from Jim Shultz, an environmental activist with the Bolivia-based Democracy Center,  "From the left and right, it is still about turning nature into money" - Jim Shultz, Democracy Center